Friday, June 09, 2006

June 9

This week I feel like wading through a mud pond and got trapped in the middle of the pond. I got stuck with the Jahmm package which I found much more difficult to use than expected. I had a hard time writing code to train HMM, and even now I can't write the trained HMM. Sometimes the sequence I fed to the trainer returns errors saying that the matrix is not positive defined (I suppose it's not positive DEFINITE) and all I can do is to attribute the fault to the current version of Jahmm. That's because the sequence file works perfectly on JahmmViz (which is based on a previous version of Jahmm). I resorted to use the command line environment of Jahmm, and yet another problem arises. I don't know why it keeps on saying there're some formatting error with the .hmm files. The ridiculous thing is that these files are produced by the command line environment itself. Now it happens that I see no way out, I can't even guarantee my idea about using HMM to model the data works. Tasukete!

Last but not least, I desperately wonder how the Kullback-Leibler distance can be calcuted on Weka so that I can do clustering. Anyone drop by can give me solutions? (bad enough, I'm the only audience)


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