Thursday, October 05, 2006

Keith van Rijsbergen

I should start telling about all this from my Wikipedia search for "SIGIR".
From the search result I discovered there is this "Salton Award" stuff in the SIGIR conference each year. The first thing that caught my eyes is nothing but the paper by the awardee of SIGIR '06. The title "Quantum Haystacks" is really attractive, in the midst of the quantum computing fervor. My glimpse on this paper, brought me the excitement, albeit I was very obscured, urged me to find more about this guy van Rijsbergen. Surprisingly his newest book "The Geometry of Information Retrieval" is within the CUHK library collection. Without a single second of hesitation I darted to the library to snatch the book. Well... flipping through the first few pages and the math about Hilbert Space didn't bring me new insights into my research, but I am pretty sure his theory is gonna bring impact to the world of IR. Here comes a chance for me to get to know this guy, if I am fortunate enough, the ESSIR 2007:


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